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My journey as an artist

Follow my journey as an artist through my blog - showing the work that has influenced and shaped me as an artist over the years. 

   About me   

I was born in Wallington Surrey in the late 40's and the memories I have of that time as a youngster included a real interest in painting and drawing encouraged a lot by my father.


At 13 years old I was very lucky to be offered a place in a school in Sutton on a 4 year art course. Those years hold very special memories of great teaching from extremely talented teachers and I had opportunities to learn pottery, painting,  traditional drawing and calligraphy. It was such a wonderful time in my life and has influenced me in my thinking for most of my life since.


I went to Croydon Art College at 17 on a pre-diploma course but personal circumstances meant that I couldn't continue as planned ,  I had hoped to continue my art education on a degree course at a London Art University but I went out to work instead eventually getting married and having two lovely boys.


Thirty seven years later I decided to go back to Art College and take that degree and after three years of study I was awarded a BA(Hons) in Fine Art at The University of Northampton.


I'm now retired and work on various projects when time allows. I hope you enjoy looking at my work and encourages you to not give up.


Thank you looking at my website.


Pat Thres

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   My work   

I've lived in Northamptonshire for 40 years and have recently moved to the western side of the county.

We are surrounded by splendid countryside which supplies me with the subject matter I've been exploring for some time.

My current inspiration is drawing trees which could sound a bit simplistic but I explore my subject as I would if I were working on a portrait. All trees are different and it's the wonderful twists and turns of the boughs and branches and the negative space and the canopy of leaves which are my inspiration.

Wildlife is very important to me and of course trees are a very important part of the survival of our planet and the wildlife within. It's this interest which I want to explore even further, so watch this space.


Everything has a place in our world so let it inspire us. The more we appreciate the planet earth and  it's beauty the greater the chance we all have of saving it.

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